Function of forest is as reservoir the water will also be disturbed due to forest destruction that constantly. This will impact on the drought often occurs in the dry season and flooding and landslides in the rainy season. In the end, this will seriously impact on the economic condition in the community.Woods industry in Indonesia has a very high
production capacity compared to the availability of wood. industrialist timber logging uncontrollable and destructive, a planter of a very knowledgeable, and the mining areas of open forest. Meanwhile people be moved in forest management that resulted in people no longer have access to their forests. And this also worsened the condition of the corrupt government, where the forest is considered as a source of money and can be take out for personal and group interests.
Logging in Indonesia is uncontrollable has started since 1960s, which is known with the flood-hood, where people doing timber manually. Large-scale logging began in 1970. And permission to proceed with the issuance of a permit-forest plants in the industry in 1990, who finished land clearing. In addition, the forest is also diverted into the area of its large-scale clearing of forest also comprehensively, a resettlement area and also the area of urban development.In 1999, after the start of autonomy, the local government be sharing to the area of forest area in the form of rights of small scale. At the same time also increased the activity logging without a permit that is not restrained by the group that financed capitalist society (capitalist), which is protected by the government and security apparatus. Now let's save earth, save green earth.
Photo source : http://vibiru.blogspot.com
i know indonesia have many forest, but the condition of indonesia forest so worried, many crazy people have destroy this healthlovemoneyand family