You can still help your planet in the fight against global warming in simple ways that are not expensive. In recent years, too much of the main focus of the efforts has been on energy efficient vehicles and appliances. Not having the financial means to make these investments is fine, there are cheaper and simpler ways to join the efforts to help our planet.
In order to prevent global warming, simply pay attention to the way your home is run. Are there electrical appliances, like your computer, turned on when you aren't using them? It is also likely that you will be saving money through this method.
Lowering the amount of electrical output is simple, as it involves just shutting off lights or any other electrical appliance in the home that you are not using. What is nice about this approach is that it is completely free and you can save yourself money! A good deal of energy is consumed through the heating of the home, so you can help out immensely just by turning your thermostat down a few degrees. Just a few degrees can make all the difference.
If you are like many individuals, you do not realize how important it is to simply replace your old traditional light bulbs with energy efficient ones. This is another great way to save yourself at least a little bit of money, as well. The need to replace these types of bulbs is also less, as they last much longer than the standard bulb - around a year or two is typical. It might take some price shopping efforts, but you can buy these energy saving bulbs for five dollars in a multi-pack.
Don't think that you have to own a home to wage a conscientious battle against global warming because renters can do their part too. For instance, if the windows need repair to keep air from getting in, talk to your landlord about repairing them. If you can broach your landlord about the hot water heater or adding an insulation blanket, these things are helpful as well, and may lower the costs your landlord has to pay.
Not everyone can afford to buy an energy efficient vehicle such as a hybrid, and those people can still help out by examining their day to day transportation habits. It could be as simple as asking yourself if you truly need to drive all the times that you do. Other alternatives to driving are walking, the carpool, and public transportation. Global warming is reduced through the simple act of opting not to use your car three times a week.
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